Over the years I have had a couple shifts in focus for this site. This will be no different.
I have gone from originally just posting tips and tricks, my thoughts and helpful diy experiments in sound. To Reviews, and press as well as the occasional like to a youtube video or my sound packs.
Moving forward I have decided to get the site a bit more active with posting just what ever I am interested in. It could be a music documentary, a synthesis tutorial by myself, a Tutorial by someone else, or maybe just just something quirky I think it is fun and somehow relevant to my world to share.
I will still post occasional reviews and press for items that I think stand out. I have zero interest in being an “influencer” in the form of just posting what ever comes my way. There are plenty of great media outlets for this sort of thing.
So I hope you enjoy the new direction this site will start taking in the coming weeks and months. If you have any feedback feel free to reach out.
Wishing you all well.
Ken Flux Pierce