Isla Instruments S2400 adds double the polyphony and more

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2022-02-24 Update


  • numerous see forum link.

Changes & New Features

  • Moved Format SD Card to Settings menu
  • Reordered the Track Settings menu
  • Changed assigning sound to not reset parameters, slices are recalculated to be in the same relative positions
  • Simplified event location to bars+16ths+ticks in Step Edit
  • Added shift amount display in Step Program
  • Added Shift+Arrows/Encoder to change start/end by slice in graphical Step Edit forum link 6
  • Added MIDI tracks to Swing and Quantize menus forum link 11
  • Added Bank+A/B/Mute/Solo key combo to toggle the whole bank, or all pads if in multi mode forum link 10
  • Added SysEx command to get song/pattern/track name for renamer web page 26
  • Added Bank+Arrows/Encoder in Step Program to scroll vertically by one track
  • Added SD card info (F1 in file browser when “SD Card” is highlighted)
  • Added arrows/encoder go to next/prev file in file info screen
  • Added loading of Projects/Kits from Browse Files function
  • Added confirmation for clear sound
  • Added popup message after double-click of Sync and Metronome buttons
  • Added Gain setting to sample tracks and Live Loops
  • Added Multi Mode capability to TR Mode
  • Rewrote text editor, quicker to use, and allows editing file/sample names longer than 21 characters
  • Added USB keyboard support
  • Expanded pitch range to +/- 3 octaves
  • Added bounce pattern, song, or sound to a single WAV file
  • Freely assign multiple tracks to an output without choking each other
  • Added choke groups
  • Increased polyphony to 16 voices
  • Updated the User Manual 293