I am extremely excited and proud to announce a new synthesizer from a new company…. ASM( Ashun Sound Machines).
Over the past year or so I was fortunate enough to work on this project. Eventually it became one of the most interesting synthesizers I have seen hit the market in ages. What makes the ASM HydraSynth so special? let’s start with a run down of the bullet points first.
Hydrasynth is an 8 voice digital wavemorphing synthesizer.

8 voices3 oscillators: 219 waveforms, custom wavetables with wavelist/wavescan function, ring mod, 3 noise colors.4 custom “mutator” sections each with 7 effects FM-lin,wavestack,PWM,PWM squeeze, PWM-ASM,Sync,Harmonic sweep. oscillators can be stereo panned.
2 Simultaneous filters that can be arranged in parallel or series. Filter 1 has 11 filter models including traditional Moog style 12 and 24db ladder filters, q compensated 12 and 24db ladder filters ala MatrixBrute, 18db slope LP,BP,HP,filters based on the Threeler eurorack filter, MS20 style HP and LP filters,LPG filter and a Vowel filterOscillators can blend into filters at varying amounts, Filter 2 is a SEM style multimode filter with morph control LP-BP-HP.dedicated analog 270 degree pots for cutoff, resonance and Drive/Morph.
5 6-stage DAHDSR envelopes with BPM sync allowing you to sync the slope of each stage to the beat. Looping with definable number of repeats
5 LFO each with 10 waveforms + noise, delay, fade in/out, and phase. multiple trigger modes , step mode with pattern length.
32 point mod matrix with 28 sources and 188 destinations .
8 macros each with scribble strip and up to 8 destinations each. Macro buttons also allow for quick value changes.
24 polyphonic pressure after touch pads with multiple musical layouts and dedicated scale and Key configurations
arp with ratchet and chance
CV/ Gate interface with 2 mod inputs, pitch, gate, mod 1, mod2, and clock outputs.
USB and MIDI DIN I/O, thru.
sustain and expression pedal input.Stereo output,
desktop has recessed cable connections for a clean placement up against other gear.
Module select buttons reminiscent of the Ensoniq synths of the past give you immediate access to every section of the synth without menu diving.
LCD screen doubles as a O-scope
LCD screen between knobs always lets you know what parameters you are editing and the encoders have light indicators to represent values at a glance.
VST editor/Librarian for Mac and windows.
Home buttons always takes you back to the top level so that you never feel lost in the synth.
Random button allows you to quickly randomize any given parameter.
Pre and post FX sections with 8 FX each- Chorus, flanger, rotary, phaser, lo-fi, tremolo, EQ, and side chain able compressor.
Dedicated Delay and Reverb sections with 5 delay types and 4 reverb algorithms
Price is $1299 for the keyboard and $799 for the desktop!
There is so much more to tell but I am tired and it is late. Follow me on instagram @Flux302 for some exclusive content!