Ohio-based synthesizer builders Midiverse Modular are now shipping passive utility modules and 19in rack mountable frames for the Eurorack ecosystem.

MVM001 – Multiple: MVM001 is a 4HP passive multiple that is suitable for audio or CV. Jack 1 is normalized to jack 5, allowing for a 1×6 or 2×3 configuration.

MVM002 – Switches: MVM002 is a dual bi-directional manual switch in a 4HP module. The switches are conveniently located at the bottom of the module, making hands on control over the routing of your patch right at your fingertips.

MVM003 – Attenuators: MVM003 is a 6HP passive 3-channel attenuator module. The inputs are normalized downward, allowing for a single input signal to be distributed to all 3 attenuator channels.

Available now @ https://reverb.com/shop/midiverse
Questions and inquires: MidiverseTV@gmail.com