NAMM speculations!

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With NAMM fast approaching I thought I would toss up some speculative polls to see what you all thought might show it’s face at NAMM this year?

there Is A LOT of speculation this year.

are you heading to NAMM? let me know (I’m still trying to obtain my pass for this year!)

8 thoughts on “NAMM speculations!

  1. I’ve been looking forward to a new Roland MV, hopefully with a fantom type engine in it. Also a poly analog from Arturia would be nice, as well as one from Korg. And to finally see Sample Tank 3 would be nice. I’d also like to see some sort of hybrid synth that uses the iPad for it’s display/editing.

  2. Agreed. I think we are starting to see some of that ipad hybrid stuff with the last roland synth they did. I’d really like to see roland just go hard with some hardware that can be used stand alone AND as a plug in. AND as a stand alone piece of hardware sans computer. I think A lot of people been waiting on something like that.

  3. I would love to see a new Roland beat machine. And any new product entrants from Arturia, Korg or whoever to the analog synth game

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