Rossum Electro-Music has announced the release of Software Version 2.0 for their Assimil8or Phase Modulation Sampler Eurorack module.
Designed to provide a powerful, flexible sampling engine for modular synthesis, the Assimil8or Multi-Timbral Phase Modulation Sampler module is the latest incarnation of Dave Rossum’s decades-long pioneering of affordable professional sampling technology. Assimil8or 2.0 software brings a host powerful new features and major workflow enhancements. Taken together, they result in Assimil8or’s evolution into an even more powerful and easy-to-use sampling module.
Assimil8or 2.0 software is a free download for current Assimil8or owners. It can be downloaded at

Key new Assimil8or 2.0 features includeNew Sound-on-Sound sampling modes: (100% feedback for limitless layering and -3dB feedback for gradual decaying).
Explode Sample (at both the channel and zone level) to divide a sample into 2 to 8 equal regions and automatically assign them to sequential channels or zones.
Chop Sample: Similar to Explode sample, but uses transients to determine the chop points.
CV Control of Mix Levels: The ability to voltage control a channel’s level in the mix output without affecting its individual output. There are two control modes: Normal for regular modulation, and Fader for mix control.
New Zone Selection types:
– Advance – Each new trigger causes the next zone in numerical order to be selected.
– Random – Each new trigger causes a random zone in numerical order to be selected.
NewZone Voltage Balancing Options: 5V, 10V, Chromatic Keyboard, and Major Scale
Zone Lock to temporarily lock a single zone for auditioning and editing
Manual and Auto-Audition of card WAV files to streamline import operations.
Gate Delay to compensate for sequencer gate/trigger/CV timing anomalies.
Stereo Awareness: Graphic interface and editor improvements to make working with stereo channel pairs virtually automatic.
Preset Selection via CV: The ability to use assignable CV inputs to step forward and backward through a folder’s preset list.
Zone handling and editing improvements, especially with stereo samples
Variable horizontal zoom on the Sample Start/End Page and Loop Start/Length/End Page.
Sync Editing of sample and loop points (i.e, simultaneously set identical Loop Start and Sample Start or Loop End/Length and Sample End points).
Selection of Sampling Destination Channel by pressing and holding the Sampling Setup button and then one of the eight channel buttons.
New Sampling Setup Zone Destination parameter ”Empty Zone” assigns the new sample to the next empty zone on the destination channel.
Load Folder Warning: The option to trigger a warning popup when loading a new folder to help avoid accidental overwriting of unsaved preset edits.
The ability to cancel a folder load in progress.
A Sampling Pre-roll of 10 msec (to avoid the possibility of cutting off the very beginning of a sample)
Data Compatibility: Assimil8or V2.0 data is fully forward and backward compatible with Assimil8or V1.XX. (With the exception that the new zone selection types, if used, will load into V1.XX as type “Continuous’).
More Assimil8or information can be found at the Rossum Electro-Music web site: