The SynthSummitShow episode 18: John Bowen synth designs

This episode I was fortunate to have John Bowen on the show. A staple in the synthesizer community for roughly 40 years, John has been instrumental in many of the legendary synths of our time. Join us as we walk through a piece of synth history and cap it off with a discussion of his amazing Solaris synthesizer.

for more info check out 

Siglent SDS1202X Oscilloscope review for the Synth user

Siglent is a leader in the oscilloscope market. Both win affordability and features Siglent scopes continue to impress. This review I decided to show how these wonderful scopes can be used by audio professionals to better understand our gear and sounds. This particular scope is in their upper mid range segment with a absolutely stunning display. check out the video below for more details!. Head to Siglent to order one of these or their other scopes today!