Tag Archives: sp2400
Isla instruments sp2400 filter information livestream
Brad from Isla Instruments had a live stream today detailing how the filters in the new sp2400 sampler will work.
check the video below.
some notes
- Sp2400 will have a stereo version of the original fixed analog Input filter.
- the input filter can also be accessed during “resampling” mode allowing you to send samples from the SD card back through the input stage to apply this analog filtered sound to your preexisting sound library.
- the output filters follow the layout of the original sp1200 machine in that there are 4 fixed output (non-sweepable) analog filters.
- the “tip/ring” filter trick is handled via onboard analog logic circuit that allows you to get this sound without having to actually “half plug” the jack to access that sound.
- there are 2 Dynamic SSI Analog filters.
- in addition to the analog filters there are also digital filters per output that are fully dynamic.
- there is support for future daughter board add ons that allow for 8 additional fully controllable filter.
- daughter board add ons in the future : there are plans for SSI filter , Curtis filters, as well as open sourcing of the schematics so that 3rd party can release additional filter styles.
- the daughter board add ons do not need to be limited to just analog filters, they could be digital or hybrid filter boards (this would be up to the 3rd part.).
The Sp2400 is available for preorder direct from Isla Instruments https://www.islainstruments.com/product/sp-2400/

Who is making the SP-2400 and is it real? It’s not who you thought exclusive pictures!
What if I told you the SP 2400 is real… its not Behringer and Its NOT E-MU/Rossum. It is going to be built as a proper spiritual successor to the classic sampler many of us have grown to love so dearly. This is no clone, this is something more…

Recently I came across a post showing what appears to be a circuit board for a “sp-2400” this name has long been tossed about in forums and back Alley dives as to what the successor to the famed sp-1200 could be. Over the years there have been many rumors, requests and out right denials from those involved in the classic sampler.

So what is speculation and what is fact?
FACTS…..24bit AND 12 bit, Aluminum construction, Classic sound with the Classic workflow. Filters per output, ability to sample with filter input or direct to dac. Features both usb host and client, Each pad will play cowbells (if you sample a cowbell to it) its not behringer… it is real, and it IS COMING SOON

How do I know all of this? well I was given the info directly from the manufacturer. I have basically been given a slow stream of info… I myself still do not know the release date, the price point, what info is on the screen and how the screen functions… I will give info as I can.
I can tell you… I have heard it (audio comparisons sent to me of an early build)… it sounds fantastic. It is going to make many of us very happy… and the corksniffers… so mad. I will be dropping random tid bits about this as they fall out the back of the secret laboratory this is being built in.