Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack Sequencer Build and Demo!

Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack modular sequencer!


This is a wonderful 8 step analog sequencer complete with 3 different CV pitch outputs, 8 gate outputs, clock in , clock out, random, random rate, momentary stepping and holding.

Just a very very usable sequencer in a nice compact form that is super powerful. they can even be configured to run off of 9v battery power!

for more info head to

Synthrotek EKO building and Demo video

I love doing Eurorack kits. They are more affordable than assembled versions. They give you the satisfaction of actually having a hand in the quality of your module. It is simply a load of fun to know that you helped create this new sound source in your set up.

That being said, I have yet to do a video showing how I build the kits and get them up and running so here is  a short video showing the latest addition to my Eurorack Modular synth. the Synthrotek EKO

available here

Assembled version here–>

Kit version here —>

Product info:
– Rate range: 30-190mS
– 4HP
– Voltage-controlled rate
– Self-oscillating feedback
– Mix control
– Hand-assembled in Portland, Oregon


An intro to Eurorack modular synthesizers

An introduction to Eurorack Modulars


For sometime now I had been wanting to get myself a Eurorack modular synth but wasn’t fully versed in what I needed to actually make this happen. I was well aware of how one worked (this will be covered later) but not how to actually start without wasting a ton of money. I researched and patrolled forums, spoke to friends that owned modulars and generally took my time to make an educated decision on how to get my first system up and running.

Now I would like to pass some of that knowledge on. This article is intended to clear up some of the foggy entry points to Eurorack and make it a lot easier for people to get the systems they want at an affordable price. Please keep in mind because Eurorack Modulars are indeed fully modular, there is no one correct way to start your modular.

This intro video touches on a few of the topics covered here. I recommend watching it and reading the article as well.

What is a Eurorack Modular and why should I want one?

Eurorack is a modular synthesizer format, think of it like VST is a format for plug ins. Any module in Eurorack format can be placed into a Eurorack case (given you have the space and power allocation) and will work with other modules.  These modules range from basic  synthesis building blocks such as a Amplifier, mixer, Oscillator, envelope, filter etc. to more function and west coast school methods of synthesis such as Function generators (like the Make noise Maths) Flip flops, comparators, even digital control modules.   Continue reading

Animodule Quad Comparator module gives u the business
The Quad Comparator is a Logic Module for Eurorack synthesizers.
It’s a simple quad comparator based around the LM339.
It will take your Voltages and turn them into Logic On.

When your signal is higher than the threshold the Gate goes high and the NOT Gate goes low.
When your signal is lower than the threshold the NOT gate goes high and the Gate goes low.

You can set the threshold anywhere from about -10V to +10V.

Input 1 is buffered then normalled to JackSwitches 2-4. So you could send an LFO in to Input 1, set different thresholds for all the inputs and have all the gates/NOT Gates fire at different points from the same LFO.

Width = 8HP , Depth = 29mm

XXX_OR from Animdoule for Eurorack modular

Here is a new Module from Eurorack Module maker Animodule.
This is the Triple Exclusive Or “XXX_OR”

It is essentially a logic module that takes up to 6 inputs and combine them to shape the Analog outputs (3) and Gate outputs (3) into interesting sounds and CV. each input is Buffered to the next along with a slight overdrive so each output can get you more shaping. There are so many ways to use this I am needing to do a few videos. (Ring Mod, FM sourcing, Distortion just to name a few)

These are available NOW!

2 new DIY eurorack modules the Tabula Rasa wavetable VCO and the Music thing Spring reverb

Here are two DIY or build them yourself modules for Eurorack. first up is the Tabula Rasa an Arduino based wavetable oscillator that lets you create new waveforms, dump them to SD card and use them in your Eurorack modular. Then we have the Spring reverb from Music Thing which is a voltage controlled spring reverb hooked to a real spring tai. it also has the option of being built with a digital brick reverb tank as well.