Lab Lounging with the Vermona uniCYCLE VCO


The Vermona uniCycle is the new VCO from synth masterminds Vermona. Sharing its core with the ’14 synthesizer the uniCycle adds some tricks for the modular system.

From the vermona site 

Oscillator-circuits are used in our VERMONA synthesizers, we know how to design them. But instead of copy and paste, we reworked many aspects when adapting our circuits for modular purpose. What is great for closed systems might not always be perfect for modular systems.

All that development work resulted in uniCYCLE: compact, high-performant and stable.

Simple interface and quality without compromises

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Soulsby Oscitron Eurorack VCO Demo part 1

Soulsby Oscitron is listed as a 8 bit oscillator, but I think that is underselling what this thing really is.

The truth is this is a Vocoder, oscillator, wave shaper, phaser, bit crusher, and much more all in one module that can be freely hacked and updated. The wood ends are the first sign that this is a module unlike any other. you can use those wood end checks to hold new faceplate cover templates in place as they are released essentially updating the whole faceplate as you go. This is a truly novel approach to the idea of a multi function eurorack module. The menu system is easy to navigate while having quite an impressive depth of features. For that reason I have decided to handle demo videos of this module in parts. enjoy the first part in this series below! for more info check out Soulsby Synths. price is roughly $299 at USA dealers


  • 8-bit wavetable module
  • Unique wavetable PWM Synthesis audio engine.
  • Quick and intuitive controls, no complex menu systems
  • White aluminium faceplate with walnut side panels
  • Nearly all parameters controllable by CV
  • 16 preset sounds that can be overwritten with your own patches

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Arturia MatrixBrute (A few videos to quench your curiosity!)

The Arturia MatrixBrute is an impressive beast. I am here to give it a decent showing so you can better understand what this synth is really capable of. Admittedly this synth has so much potential, simple videos won’t do it justice and I really recommend getting some hands on time with this beast for yourself. Below are some videos I have done (and I plan on doing many more) that show off just what this thing sounds like and can do. Be sure to check out all of these videos and more!

First lets check out a simple Ladder filter comparison.

Now how about we make a patch from scratch 

And now how about a nice long live stream Q and A

and while we are at it how about an interview with the Product designer Glen Darcey