How to Synth DIY part 5 PT2399 Delay Dev board!

Part 5 The PT2399 DEV DELAY KIT


This circuit is actually very very simple to assemble and shouldn’t really take you more than a half hour tops to build.

It comprises of a board with pads for a few knobs and jacks, as well as a few extra parts so that you can play around and add modifications to the circuit. The PT2399 is a chip that is found in MANY guitar delay pedals. It is a digital chip that emulates the analog bucket brigade. As delay times get longer, the audio degrades. This can be used to great effect when you start to play with long delay times and feedback.

In this video I build the PT2399 Dev board, I do not show me building in any mods. The reason for this is I want you to feel free to experiment with the board. you won’t harm the chip its quite robust and is great fun to play with “circuit bending” it. just basically wire up a momentary switch (included with the kit) and touch the leads to any two points you find interested (by poking a piece of wire around you may find the chip behavior act interesting). For the final circuit I went with the suggested Feedblast the warp and the feedback as pictured below.



instructions for these mods can be found HERE

The kit only costs : $30 so… hard to beat for a funky ass delay right?

Check the video and have fun!

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