Most people are aware of my affinity for finger drumming and live performance, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that I want to preform live unsequenced finger drumming with my Modular system. However when I began setting up patches to do this sort of thing I ran into a problem. I wanted to use 1 module for both open and closed hi hats, while triggering this single module from 2 gate sources without running into the issue of the closed hi hat opening up the decay envelope. ENTER LOGIC. In order to complete such a task I need to separate the closed hi hat trigger from the open hi hat trigger (while there is only one trigger input on the module). To do this I use the Animodule XXX_or . This module allows me to send two separate triggers to the same destination and other destinations without the risk of back feeding and having the closed hi hat trigger the decay envelope. Normally this back feeding wouldn’t be an issue if I was simply using a sequencer, but in a live performance real it is important that the open hi hat pad and the closed hi hat pad both trigger the sound independently. Take a look at the video below to see how I did it.
Tag Archives: animodule
Animodule M1xxor does more than you would expect from a mixer
Using Instrument Level gear with your Modular (LineAmp from Animodule)
The Animodule Line_Amp has been out for just a little while and its a very small (2hp) module but I am continually finding nice little tricks with this module.
The Line amp is essentially a dual buffered multiple BUT it has a switch on it that when turned on will boost any signal times 3. This is useful for taking line level signals and sending them up to the Modular world audio signal level range.
Additionally what I have discovered is that by sending an output from the LineAmp back to its second input you can boost even further and bring instrument level sources such as an electric guitar or rhodes piano up to Modular levels.
Check the Video out for more info on this great eurorack modular synthesizer module 🙂
Buy one here—
Animodule GATE_MOD Eurorack Modular trigger delay
Let’s face it, couldn’t we ALL use a little more length?
This Tiny (yet powerful) Module allows you to manipulate your gate length and delay your event triggers with ease and minimal impact on your HP.
Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs)
and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out. Continue reading

Animodule V9a Eurorack CV controlled sequencer and waveshapper
It’s a wonderful bit of kit that takes your waveforms and turns them into sequencing steps and rhythmic patterns!
Here’s a powerful animal to add to your sequencing arsenal.
Send your CV to the CV In. As the Voltage increases the sequence steps forward. As the voltage decreases the sequence steps back.
Scale and adjust your input voltage to taste with the Onboard Attenuator and Offset.
Control the Output CV with an individual Potentiometer for each step.
When a step changes, a 10MS trigger is sent to it’s corresponding switch. If the latching switch is depressed it allows the trigger to pass to the Trigger Out.
There is a switch per step for slew (portamento/slide).
and a Potentiometer to control the Slew Amount.
There is also an input to allow gated control of when the slew turns on and off which will work in conjunction with the switches.
This module is looking for 0V to +5V. The Offset is 0V to +5V.
To allow for chaining of the V9a and rests, 0V will put you under the sequencer range and +5V will put you over the sequencer range.
When the sequence drops below step 1 or over step 9, 0V will be sent to the CV Out and No Trigger will be sent to the Trig Out.
When step 1 or 9 is activated a trigger will be sent to the Trig buss.
Max Current Draw:
+12V = 40mA
-12V = 11mA
Width: 14HP Depth: 39mm
Visit the Animodule Store HERE!
Free Sound Pack Fluxwithit Animodule sound pack!
Animodule eurorack synth modules are some of the most character filled Eurorack modules out.
I thought it was time to share some of the joy of owning these modules with the rest of you… FOR FREE.
Animodule eurorack modules are hand built in Pennsylvania and consists of everything from VCO’s to Filters to logic modules, VCA’s , envelopes… everything you need to make your synth amazing.
Over the past 6 months I have had the joy of getting to dig deep into these modules and I have to say they are just bursting with character all their own. I highly recommend if you are building a eurorack synthesizer to check them out!
Here is the free sound pack consisting of 50 new sounds, and 1 fresh demo kit for Maschine 2.0
Fluxwithit Animodule free sounds pack
An intro to Eurorack modular synthesizers
An introduction to Eurorack Modulars
For sometime now I had been wanting to get myself a Eurorack modular synth but wasn’t fully versed in what I needed to actually make this happen. I was well aware of how one worked (this will be covered later) but not how to actually start without wasting a ton of money. I researched and patrolled forums, spoke to friends that owned modulars and generally took my time to make an educated decision on how to get my first system up and running.
Now I would like to pass some of that knowledge on. This article is intended to clear up some of the foggy entry points to Eurorack and make it a lot easier for people to get the systems they want at an affordable price. Please keep in mind because Eurorack Modulars are indeed fully modular, there is no one correct way to start your modular.
This intro video touches on a few of the topics covered here. I recommend watching it and reading the article as well.
What is a Eurorack Modular and why should I want one?
Eurorack is a modular synthesizer format, think of it like VST is a format for plug ins. Any module in Eurorack format can be placed into a Eurorack case (given you have the space and power allocation) and will work with other modules. These modules range from basic synthesis building blocks such as a Amplifier, mixer, Oscillator, envelope, filter etc. to more function and west coast school methods of synthesis such as Function generators (like the Make noise Maths) Flip flops, comparators, even digital control modules. Continue reading
Animodule Quad Comparator module gives u the business
The Quad Comparator is a Logic Module for Eurorack synthesizers.
It’s a simple quad comparator based around the LM339.
It will take your Voltages and turn them into Logic On.
When your signal is higher than the threshold the Gate goes high and the NOT Gate goes low.
When your signal is lower than the threshold the NOT gate goes high and the Gate goes low.
You can set the threshold anywhere from about -10V to +10V.
Input 1 is buffered then normalled to JackSwitches 2-4. So you could send an LFO in to Input 1, set different thresholds for all the inputs and have all the gates/NOT Gates fire at different points from the same LFO.
Width = 8HP , Depth = 29mm