Most people are aware of my affinity for finger drumming and live performance, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that I want to preform live unsequenced finger drumming with my Modular system. However when I began setting up patches to do this sort of thing I ran into a problem. I wanted to use 1 module for both open and closed hi hats, while triggering this single module from 2 gate sources without running into the issue of the closed hi hat opening up the decay envelope. ENTER LOGIC. In order to complete such a task I need to separate the closed hi hat trigger from the open hi hat trigger (while there is only one trigger input on the module). To do this I use the Animodule XXX_or . This module allows me to send two separate triggers to the same destination and other destinations without the risk of back feeding and having the closed hi hat trigger the decay envelope. Normally this back feeding wouldn’t be an issue if I was simply using a sequencer, but in a live performance real it is important that the open hi hat pad and the closed hi hat pad both trigger the sound independently. Take a look at the video below to see how I did it.
Author Archives: flux302
MST Expressor dual expression pedal interface for eurorack Modular
The MST Expressor allows you to use expression pedals with your modular, taking a “hands-off” approach to expand your control and creativity. It has two identical powered expression pedal processing units in one handy module, allowing you to do things such as: Continue reading

Mode Machines OMF-1 Analog Rack Filter
The Mode Machines OMF-1 is an analog 19″ rack filter designed for use with a wide variety of sources. the preamp in this unit can handle signals from guitar (instrument level) input all the way up to eurorack modular levels. Far from just a basic Moog ladder filter clone, the OMF-1 adds a tap for the phase reversible single pole -6 db per octave slope (labeled FIZZ) phase reversible 4 pole -24 dp per octave slope(labeled Smooth), as well as extensiv modulation options. Also included in this circuit is a beautiful sounding overdrive. By sending signal into the filter and adjusting the preamp, you can overload the filter core (indicated by a red LED) to add additional harmonic content to the signal. The OMF-1 features a side chain input as well as CV and Gate inputs for external filter control. The modulation options are Follower (think Mutron bass filter) Attack Release and Attack Decay settings. the LFO has triangle and square waveforms with a rate control and dedicated depth control as well as the ability to self trigger the envelope (which essentially will act like a complex lfo shape). clocking in £666.00 direct from the mode machines site, this is an impressive all analog rack mount filter that truly has an impressive character.Take a listen to the video for plenty of sound demonstration. take a look at the Manual here
The SynthSummitShow episode 7: Malekko heavy industries
The Producers Hangout episode 38 Axel Hartman
The SynthSummitShow ep 6: Soulsby Synthesizers
head over to Soulsby Synthesizers webpage for more info!
Arturia unleashes iSpark for iPad, why you should care.
So below I’ll post the regular press release and info but lets talk about why this release actually matters.
- you can use your SparkLE usb controller with this app, that means you have an actual tactile hands on drum machine experience with just a iPad as the processing power… think about this for live shows or that “stand alone drum machine” feel… thats pretty dope right?
- its available for iPad air and above… why does that matter? well because it means they are jamming serious power into this app and not letting older iPad units hold it back with lack of processing power. This is a double edged sword because I’m sure Arturia risks missing out sales from owners of older iPad devices. It also means the writing is now on the wall for those of us with older iPads (I currently own an iPad 4 and was hoping to get one last year out of it.)
- the in app store looks to have a promising host of content. Already there are three promising expansions with more to come. I love new sounds at affordable prices.
- ableton link is already tested and working along with a host of other sync abilities. very nice to see this app playing nicely in a host of varied environments. Continue reading