
Animodule V9a Eurorack CV controlled sequencer and waveshapper

It’s a wonderful bit of kit that takes your waveforms and turns them into sequencing steps and rhythmic patterns!


Here’s a powerful animal to add to your sequencing arsenal.

Send your CV to the CV In. As the Voltage increases the sequence steps forward. As the voltage decreases the sequence steps back.
Scale and adjust your input voltage to taste with the Onboard Attenuator and Offset.

Control the Output CV with an individual Potentiometer for each step.

When a step changes, a 10MS trigger is sent to it’s corresponding switch. If the latching switch is depressed it allows the trigger to pass to the Trigger Out.

There is a switch per step for slew (portamento/slide).
and a Potentiometer to control the Slew Amount.
There is also an input to allow gated control of when the slew turns on and off which will work in conjunction with the switches.

This module is looking for 0V to +5V. The Offset is 0V to +5V.

To allow for chaining of the V9a and rests, 0V will put you under the sequencer range and +5V will put you over the sequencer range.
When the sequence drops below step 1 or over step 9, 0V will be sent to the CV Out and No Trigger will be sent to the Trig Out.
When step 1 or 9 is activated a trigger will be sent to the Trig buss.

Max Current Draw:
+12V = 40mA
-12V = 11mA

Width: 14HP Depth: 39mm

Visit the Animodule Store HERE!

Izotope inc announces RX4 & RX4 Advanced for September release!

iZotope Announces RX 4 and RX 4 Advanced
The next generation of an industry standard

Cambridge, MA (August 8, 2014) — iZotope, Inc. , a leading audio technology company, has announced an update to its flagship audio repair and enhancement suite, RX®. RX, an Emmy Award-winning audio repair toolkit, is used by musicians, sound engineers, and post production professionals everywhere to transform noisy, distorted, or flawed audio into pristine material.

Launching this September, the new RX 4 is designed to be the ultimate companion to a DAW or NLE with new intelligent modules, time-saving features, and deeper levels of integration with their hosts.


RF Nomad is a Shortwave radio in Eurorack Form and its awesome!


RF Nomad shortwave radio for Eurorack modular


New Eurorack manufacturer Evaton Technologies has introduced a very original idea to the eurorack community! This module is a shortwave radio that has CV input for tuning. what does that mean to the synth user? Well for starters it means on the fly happy accidents unexpected timbers and strange sounds galore! This module can also pick up EMI sounds from computers and other electronics.

The RF Nomad adds the squealy, squelchy, noisy, unpredictable vintage sounds of shortwave radio to your modular. But this is no ordinary shortwave; it’s been designed to be extra noisy, extra squealy, extra gritty, and just downright nasty. No built-in output filtering means that a rich spectrum of harmonic content is available on the audio output jack. Audio levels can be driven to distortion. CV control lets you add your own creative spin on sound design.

Hissy interstation audio. Squealy heterodynes. Fading stations. Atmospheric noises. Faint voices in foreign languages from distant broadcast stations. Fire and brimstone. It’s all in there, just like your granddad’s old tabletop shortwave.

But, the RF Nomad adds a twist: The tuning is voltage controlled. Sure, when you were a kid, you discovered you could make spacy noises on Papa’s shortwave by slowly turning the tuning dial. But just how fast could you twist that dial? Faster than an audio-rate LFO? Hardly. Voltage controlled tuning means that the RF Nomad will let you explore sounds you never imagined you could get out of a shortwave receiver.


Status: Currently manufacturing the first batch!

Format: Eurorack modular synth format

Function: Voltage-controlled Sideband shortwave receiver.

Dimensions: 8HP width (40.3mm x 128.5mm)

Power: +12V: 9 mA, -12V: -9mA


MSRP: $176.00 USD

Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack Sequencer Build and Demo!

Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack modular sequencer!


This is a wonderful 8 step analog sequencer complete with 3 different CV pitch outputs, 8 gate outputs, clock in , clock out, random, random rate, momentary stepping and holding.

Just a very very usable sequencer in a nice compact form that is super powerful. they can even be configured to run off of 9v battery power!

for more info head to