How to Synth DIY part 5 PT2399 Delay Dev board!

Part 5 The PT2399 DEV DELAY KIT


This circuit is actually very very simple to assemble and shouldn’t really take you more than a half hour tops to build.

It comprises of a board with pads for a few knobs and jacks, as well as a few extra parts so that you can play around and add modifications to the circuit. The PT2399 is a chip that is found in MANY guitar delay pedals. It is a digital chip that emulates the analog bucket brigade. As delay times get longer, the audio degrades. This can be used to great effect when you start to play with long delay times and feedback.

In this video I build the PT2399 Dev board, I do not show me building in any mods. The reason for this is I want you to feel free to experiment with the board. you won’t harm the chip its quite robust and is great fun to play with “circuit bending” it. just basically wire up a momentary switch (included with the kit) and touch the leads to any two points you find interested (by poking a piece of wire around you may find the chip behavior act interesting). For the final circuit I went with the suggested Feedblast the warp and the feedback as pictured below.



instructions for these mods can be found HERE

The kit only costs : $30 so… hard to beat for a funky ass delay right?

Check the video and have fun!

How to Synth DIY part 4 ANYONE can Build the 555 LFO!

Yes thats right! Anyone can build the 555 timer LFO… and to prove it, I let my 8 year old daughter do it! This was Elly’s first time soldering and she enjoyed it immensely (even with a minor mishap!) If she can jump on the Synth DIY horse, SO CAN YOU!


The 555 Timer Oscillator from Synthrotek will be a modulation source for our upcoming Delay Dev kit circuit. (and other circuits as we will keep this modular!)

the Idea is to use this to modulate the rate of the delay board.

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 9.27.39 AM  ellyMS20


For this project, we won’t be hooking up power just yet as I plan on daisy chaining the power off of another circuit first.

we also will not solder on the attenuator just yet as we will be using wire so that we can place the board more efficiently inside of the case. You can buy the 555 Timer LFO HERE—> Synthrotek Store  it’s only $15.

This series is supported by Synthrotek logo

and from sales of My Sound libraries at Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 10.03.36 AM

How to Synth DIY part 3 The Passive Ring Modulator

The Passive Ring Modulator


This circuit is a very basic one which is why I have chosen it to be our starting point. It is also quite inexpensive with very easy soldering so it should make a great first time soldering project!

A ring Modulator basically takes two incoming signals and combines them spitting out what results in a modulated version of the original signal. This technique was used to create the famous Dalek voices in DR. Who television series.

It can also be used to beef up synth signals, Warp Drum tones, and distort strings etc. overall just a very useful circuit to have handy.

The Passive Ring Mod doesn’t require a power source so no worries there.

Take a look at the video and Have FUN!!!

Here is the Link for Synthrotek’s Passive Ring Mod


This series is supported by Synthrotek logo

and from sales of My Sound libraries at Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 10.03.36 AM

Animodule GATE_MOD Eurorack Modular trigger delay

Let’s face it, couldn’t we ALL use a little more length?

This Tiny (yet powerful) Module allows you to manipulate your gate length and delay your event triggers with ease and minimal impact on your HP.

Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs)
and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out. Continue reading

Synthrotek DS-M Drum Synthesizer Module for Eurorack

the Synthrotek DS-M is an awesome new Drum synth Module for Eurorack.
The DS-M is a full featured drum synth that can emulate virtually any drum sound!

The DS-M (Drum Synth Module) is a complex, modifiable, 100% analog drum synth loosely based on the Coron DS-8 and neatly packaged into an 8hp module.

Continue reading

Arturia Microbrute SE Unboxing and Overview/ Review video

  • Main Features
    Monophonic synthesizer
    100% Analog Audio Signal Path
    Steiner-Parker 2 pole Multimode Filter (Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass)
    Analog Voltage Controlled Oscillator
    Oscillator Mixer (Overtone, Sawtooth, Square, Triangle, audio in (on rear panel))
    ‘Overtone’ sub oscillator/5th generator
    Signal Enhancers :
    Pulse Width Modulation
    Ultrasaw generating fat sawtooth waveforms
    Metalizer bringing extreme harmonics
    Brute Factor™ delivering saturation and rich harmonics
    LFO with 3 waveforms (Sine, Sawtooth, Square)
    LFO clock syncable to Arpeggiator (Arpeg, or free).
    ADSR Envelope Generator
    Keyboard Tracking on the VCF Cutoff
    25 note minikey keyboard
    Mod Wheel (assignable to Cutoff, or LFO amount)
    Pitch Wheel (with selectable bend range via software)
    Octave selector from -2 to +2 octaves
    External Analog Audio Input
    CV In jacks: Pitch, Filter, sub-harmonics, pulse width, metalizer, saw animator
    CV Out jacks: pitch, envelope, LFO
    MIDI Inwith 5 pin DIN connector
    USB MIDI In/Out
    1/4” Audio Output and 1/8” Headphone Output
    Full Function step sequencer :
    8 memories
    up to 64 steps per memory
    tap tempo
    rate control
    step divisions (via software)
    trigger modes (via software)
    MIDI Sync
    Steel bottom panel
    12V DC 1A power supply

Animodule V9a Eurorack CV controlled sequencer and waveshapper

It’s a wonderful bit of kit that takes your waveforms and turns them into sequencing steps and rhythmic patterns!


Here’s a powerful animal to add to your sequencing arsenal.

Send your CV to the CV In. As the Voltage increases the sequence steps forward. As the voltage decreases the sequence steps back.
Scale and adjust your input voltage to taste with the Onboard Attenuator and Offset.

Control the Output CV with an individual Potentiometer for each step.

When a step changes, a 10MS trigger is sent to it’s corresponding switch. If the latching switch is depressed it allows the trigger to pass to the Trigger Out.

There is a switch per step for slew (portamento/slide).
and a Potentiometer to control the Slew Amount.
There is also an input to allow gated control of when the slew turns on and off which will work in conjunction with the switches.

This module is looking for 0V to +5V. The Offset is 0V to +5V.

To allow for chaining of the V9a and rests, 0V will put you under the sequencer range and +5V will put you over the sequencer range.
When the sequence drops below step 1 or over step 9, 0V will be sent to the CV Out and No Trigger will be sent to the Trig Out.
When step 1 or 9 is activated a trigger will be sent to the Trig buss.

Max Current Draw:
+12V = 40mA
-12V = 11mA

Width: 14HP Depth: 39mm

Visit the Animodule Store HERE!