Tag Archives: sampler
AKAI Wants you on an MPC NOW… MPC ONE announced!
New MPC One features Akai Professional’s premier multi-core processor and delivers the ultimate in standalone performance to a new generation of beatmakers.
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA (January 15, 2020) — Akai Professional, a leading manufacturer of music equipment for performers and producers, today announced the newest addition to its industry-leading family of music production centers, the powerful standalone MPC One.
MPC One offers a world-class creative producer experience, powered by the most powerful processor found in any standalone production device. Controlled by a 7-inch multi-touch interface and an intuitive touch-key layout, it creates the best MPC experience for all producers and music makers, in a compact form factor. Because of its remarkably comprehensive feature set and small footprint, this is the perfect companion for everyone’s studio. With its unprecedented combination of sheer production power, compact size and incredible price point, the MPC One establishes an unmatched standard for capability and value.
Included as standard are network connectivity, Splice integration and CV/Gate connectors, so producers can effortlessly access the sounds they need. MPC One comes loaded with 2GB of new drum sample & loop collections, curated specifically for this new hardware, delivering a library full of hard-hitting, dynamic drum sounds, sure to impress the most demanding creators.
The MPC One features the signature synth engines Electric, Tubesynth and Bassline as well as the world-class AIR FX for mixing & mastering. With MPC One, artists have everything they need to deliver impressive, professional productions and streaming-ready records.
MPC One Hardware Features:
- Brilliant 7-inch multi-touch display
- 16 velocity-sensitive RGB pads
- 2GB RAM, 4GB onboard storage
- MIDI In/Out
- 4 TRS CV/Gate Jacks, 8 Outputs Total
- USB Flash & SD Card storage Additionally, MPC One incorporates control surface workflow for PC & Mac and includes a full version of MPC2 Desktop Software. Dan Gill, Senior Product Manager for Akai Professional said, “We broke new ground with the MPC X and MPC Live, the most powerful standalone music production devices ever. We’re proud to say we’ve been able to deliver that exact same power in an efficient form factor that will
be at home in any music production studio suite. This is a truly remarkable day for music creatives everywhere.”
MPC One will be available in February 2020 and will ship with a retail price of $699. For more information on MPC One, visit akaipro.com.
Isla instruments sp2400 filter information livestream
Brad from Isla Instruments had a live stream today detailing how the filters in the new sp2400 sampler will work.
check the video below.
some notes
- Sp2400 will have a stereo version of the original fixed analog Input filter.
- the input filter can also be accessed during “resampling” mode allowing you to send samples from the SD card back through the input stage to apply this analog filtered sound to your preexisting sound library.
- the output filters follow the layout of the original sp1200 machine in that there are 4 fixed output (non-sweepable) analog filters.
- the “tip/ring” filter trick is handled via onboard analog logic circuit that allows you to get this sound without having to actually “half plug” the jack to access that sound.
- there are 2 Dynamic SSI Analog filters.
- in addition to the analog filters there are also digital filters per output that are fully dynamic.
- there is support for future daughter board add ons that allow for 8 additional fully controllable filter.
- daughter board add ons in the future : there are plans for SSI filter , Curtis filters, as well as open sourcing of the schematics so that 3rd party can release additional filter styles.
- the daughter board add ons do not need to be limited to just analog filters, they could be digital or hybrid filter boards (this would be up to the 3rd part.).
The Sp2400 is available for preorder direct from Isla Instruments https://www.islainstruments.com/product/sp-2400/
Rossum Electro-music Assimil8or updates to v2.0
Rossum Electro-Music has announced the release of Software Version 2.0 for their Assimil8or Phase Modulation Sampler Eurorack module.
Designed to provide a powerful, flexible sampling engine for modular synthesis, the Assimil8or Multi-Timbral Phase Modulation Sampler module is the latest incarnation of Dave Rossum’s decades-long pioneering of affordable professional sampling technology. Assimil8or 2.0 software brings a host powerful new features and major workflow enhancements. Taken together, they result in Assimil8or’s evolution into an even more powerful and easy-to-use sampling module.
Assimil8or 2.0 software is a free download for current Assimil8or owners. It can be downloaded at https://www.rossum-electro.com/products/assimil8or.

Key new Assimil8or 2.0 features includeNew Sound-on-Sound sampling modes: (100% feedback for limitless layering and -3dB feedback for gradual decaying).
Explode Sample (at both the channel and zone level) to divide a sample into 2 to 8 equal regions and automatically assign them to sequential channels or zones.
Chop Sample: Similar to Explode sample, but uses transients to determine the chop points.
CV Control of Mix Levels: The ability to voltage control a channel’s level in the mix output without affecting its individual output. There are two control modes: Normal for regular modulation, and Fader for mix control.
New Zone Selection types:
– Advance – Each new trigger causes the next zone in numerical order to be selected.
– Random – Each new trigger causes a random zone in numerical order to be selected.
NewZone Voltage Balancing Options: 5V, 10V, Chromatic Keyboard, and Major Scale
Zone Lock to temporarily lock a single zone for auditioning and editing
Manual and Auto-Audition of card WAV files to streamline import operations.
Gate Delay to compensate for sequencer gate/trigger/CV timing anomalies.
Stereo Awareness: Graphic interface and editor improvements to make working with stereo channel pairs virtually automatic.
Preset Selection via CV: The ability to use assignable CV inputs to step forward and backward through a folder’s preset list.
Zone handling and editing improvements, especially with stereo samples
Variable horizontal zoom on the Sample Start/End Page and Loop Start/Length/End Page.
Sync Editing of sample and loop points (i.e, simultaneously set identical Loop Start and Sample Start or Loop End/Length and Sample End points).
Selection of Sampling Destination Channel by pressing and holding the Sampling Setup button and then one of the eight channel buttons.
New Sampling Setup Zone Destination parameter ”Empty Zone” assigns the new sample to the next empty zone on the destination channel.
Load Folder Warning: The option to trigger a warning popup when loading a new folder to help avoid accidental overwriting of unsaved preset edits.
The ability to cancel a folder load in progress.
A Sampling Pre-roll of 10 msec (to avoid the possibility of cutting off the very beginning of a sample)
Data Compatibility: Assimil8or V2.0 data is fully forward and backward compatible with Assimil8or V1.XX. (With the exception that the new zone selection types, if used, will load into V1.XX as type “Continuous’).
More Assimil8or information can be found at the Rossum Electro-Music web site: https://www.rossum-electro.com/products/assimil8or

Who is making the SP-2400 and is it real? It’s not who you thought exclusive pictures!
What if I told you the SP 2400 is real… its not Behringer and Its NOT E-MU/Rossum. It is going to be built as a proper spiritual successor to the classic sampler many of us have grown to love so dearly. This is no clone, this is something more…

Recently I came across a post showing what appears to be a circuit board for a “sp-2400” this name has long been tossed about in forums and back Alley dives as to what the successor to the famed sp-1200 could be. Over the years there have been many rumors, requests and out right denials from those involved in the classic sampler.

So what is speculation and what is fact?
FACTS…..24bit AND 12 bit, Aluminum construction, Classic sound with the Classic workflow. Filters per output, ability to sample with filter input or direct to dac. Features both usb host and client, Each pad will play cowbells (if you sample a cowbell to it) its not behringer… it is real, and it IS COMING SOON

How do I know all of this? well I was given the info directly from the manufacturer. I have basically been given a slow stream of info… I myself still do not know the release date, the price point, what info is on the screen and how the screen functions… I will give info as I can.
I can tell you… I have heard it (audio comparisons sent to me of an early build)… it sounds fantastic. It is going to make many of us very happy… and the corksniffers… so mad. I will be dropping random tid bits about this as they fall out the back of the secret laboratory this is being built in.
Erica synths unveils new eurorack Drum sampler
NAMM 2019: Erica Synths Unveils Sample Drum Module |
Latvia-based Erica Synths announces its latest module: Sample Drum. Sample Drum is 14HP eurorack sample player/sampler module with straight-forward, intuitive interface, functionality and great sound quality, designed with live performance use in mind.The Sample Drum module is composed of two identical parts and allows you to play back, record and slice up samples or loops directly in your modular system. For processing, there are different play modes, tuning functions (including 1 V/Oct pitch tracking), virtual VCAs plus AD envelopes and realtime effects.Three freely assignable CV inputs per channel guarantee a lot of personal expression during performance. 16bit mono WAV samples are loaded into RAM (32MB / ~ 5 minutes of sampling time) from SD card (16 GB SD card with factory preset samples comes with the module) for instantaneous playback response. All settings can be saved and recalled during live performance.FEATURES:Sample playback with fast trigger responseVarious effects for real times ample processingSample recording functionalityManual and automatic sample slicingCue point loading from WAV files1V/Oct tracking3 assignable CV inputs per channelPreset memoryUser-friendly interfacePerformance mode16 GB SD card with factory preset samples included Price (VAT excl.) 300€ — Release date 23rd of February 2019 AttachmentsErica Synths news January 2019.pdf LinksMore information on Sample Drum |

Akai releases mpc 2.3 with synths and more
New software update enables MPC X, MPC Live and MPC Software 2 users to take advantage of three great new built-in synthesizers–TubeSynth, Bassline and Electric–and other upgrades.
Cumberland, RI USA (November 15, 2018) — Akai Professional today announced the release of MPC Software 2.3. This major software and firmware update introduces a number of user requested features and functionality enhancements, notably the addition of three powerful, versatile, and expressive built-in synthesizers by AIR Music Technology (TubeSynth, Bassline and Electric) to the MPC standalone experience. This is a landmark feature addition which elevates the MPC from a sampler to a true musical powerhouse. Also very significant is the addition of Autosampler and Arpeggiator. As a result, this update is highly recommended for all current MPC X, MPC Live and MPC Software 2 owners.
The TubeSynth emulates the sound of classic vintage analog poly-synths packaged with five integrated AIR effects. The instrument is created by AIR and is based on the same advanced analog modelling technology found in their highly acclaimed desktop plugin synth Vacuum Pro. The layout has been carefully designed for easy tweak-ability via the MPC Q-Links. The TubeSynth comes packaged with a comprehensive factory library of cutting-edge presets including sumptuous pads, hard hitting plucks, thunderous basses and screaming lead sounds.
• Flexible 3 Oscillator architecture features noise, saw, square, pulse and triangle waveforms.
• Two different unison engines offer extended possibilities for thickening the timbre of any patch.
• Users can customize the harmonic content of Oscillator 2 using the voice level EQ and Drive parameters.
• Lowpass Filter with continuously variable slope with pre and post distortion.
• Polyphonic Glide/Portamento for polyphonic pitch slides between chords.
• Envelopes included for Filter, Amp with a third specialist ramp envelope that can be assigned to different modulation destinations.
• Two LFO’s have Sine, Square, Saw Up, Saw Down, Pump, Sample and Hold and Drift waveforms.
• Explore a wide range of timbral possibilities with the Oscillator’s Ring Modulation parameter.
• AIR Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Compressor and Hype EQ.
• Almost 300 patches provide a wide selection of Synth, Lead, Pluck, Pad, Bass, Organ, FX presets.
• Oscillator 1 and 2 Env Shape parameter allows users to modulate the shape of each oscillator with the Filter Envelope
The AIR Bassline emulates the sound of classic mono synths with a contemporary twist. Including four integrated AIR effects as well as two built-in distortion algorithms.
• Flexible oscillator with continuously variable waveshape including octave saw, saw, square and sine waveforms
• Sub and fifth oscillators for thicker layered timbres.
• Low-pass and high-pass filters.
• Over 150 presets.
The AIR Electric emulates the sound of classic electric pianos.
• Dedicated Pickup, Envelope, Bell and Noise parameter sections provide a huge amount of flexibility to configure the timbre of the electric piano sound.
• Five AIR effects Tremolo, Tube distortion, Chorus, Delay and Spring Reverb.
• Over 80 presets.
In addition to the AIR plugins. MPC 2.3 introduces many other enhancements, including:
• Autosampler – Capture and convert any plugin preset or external instrument preset into a key group sampler patch. This is great for sampling patches from synths and drum machines.
• Crossfade Looping – Realtime crossfade looping has now been added to sample playback.
• Arpeggiator – A real time arpeggiator and phrase player.
“MPC 2.3 advances the user experience in amazing new ways,” said Dan Gill, Akai Professional Product Manager. “Users will especially love the new plugins created by AIR. They definitely open up a whole new world of creative possibilities.”
This update is free for existing MPC Software 2 owners (2.0 – 2.2). MPC 2.3 is available as a new purchase for $199.99 for non-MPC product owners or as an upgrade from MPC Software 1 or MPC Essentials for $99.99.
For complete details on new features found in 2.3, visit: MPC 2.3 Release Notes.
For more information, visit akaipro.com.
Novation Circuit Review
The Novation Circuit portable Groovebox
This Circuit review is one that I specifically requested from Novation. I was quite interested in the idea of a portable groove box that held one of my favorite synth engines in a battery controlled, forward thinking design. I was concerned about the macro control layout as I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the layout. I came away from my time with the circuit gaining a new appreciation for this different take on a portable synth. Instead of focusing on specifics like ADSR settings or complex oscillator set ups, This groove box opts to give you macros that can control 4 parameters on any given patch. While this might be a bit confusing, it also serves as the pathway to inspiration and discovery of new unexpected sounds. This is where Circuit can come into its own… The sequencer is a bit on the basic side being only 16 steps but it does allow for independent note lengths and pattern chaining. You can launch patterns in a similar way to the ableton live clip launching method. Speaking of Ableton Live, a copy is included free with Circuit and Circuit can be used as a controller for live.
The Battery power and the fact that it has a built in speaker was a large draw for me. I’m happy to say that through out this entire review I never once needed to actually plug it into the wall (though the wall adapter is included in the box). The internal speaker is quite adequate to get its sound across in a quiet setting (don’t expect it to be loud enough to get peoples attention in a noisy bus station but it will certainly turn heads if you are sitting in a starbucks.)
I found the over all build quality to be extremely good. The knobs feel VERY nice , smooth with decent resolution. the body didn’t creak or feel hollow and plasticy. The build felt so nice I let my 2 and a half year old son bash away on it with not so much as a scratch or a worry. I have to say he quite enjoyed it as well.
I was skeptical of the layout but came away impressed with the build quality. The constant updates from novation is a very promising sign and the addition of sample import and “sample flip” is not to be over looked. the rigid 16 step sequencer resolution is probably my biggest gripe but for what this product is, its hardly a deal breaker.
If you are looking for a groove box that you can confidently take with you on the go and is truly stand alone… this might be right up your alley.