Tag Archives: NAMM
Studio Electronics at Namm 2016
Head to their site Studio Electronics for more info!

Synthrotek at NAMM 2016 New modules and full systems!

Qu-Bit Electronics at NAMM 2016 Chord module and more Modular
Arturia MatrixBrute interview with Glen Darcey NAMM 2016
Arturia Just dropped a BOMB at NAMM 2016
The Matrix Brute feels very solidly build. has some serious heft and a solid build. the manufacturing is done by a new company and I am assured the build quality is far superior to earlier runs of products. the filter section is deep with two multimode multi pole filters that can run parallel or series. the mod matrix will make your mind snap. instant easy routing of any parameter… then there is the modular capabilities around back… check the video for more! be sure to watch to the end for direct audio of Glen Darcey tweaking it.
4ms Dual looping delay eurorack modular delay Namm 2016
The Dual Looping Delay (DLD) is an advanced audio processor for creative synthesis. Not a tape or analog emulation but a modern crystal-clear digital delay, the DLD combines features of delay, looping, and sample-tight synchronization for powerful and dynamic sound capture and modification. The DLD is designed to integrate seamlessly with modular timebase and sequencing devices such as the 4ms Quad Clock Distributor (QCD), etc.
Key Features:
- Two independent delay/loop channels, synchronized to a common time base
- Maximum 88 seconds per channel (almost 3 minutes total recording time)
- 48kHz/16-bit sampling rate
- Normaled connections of input and output for flexible use in mono, stereo, or dual mode
- Tap tempo button and clock Ping input
- Delay/loop time set as a number of musical beats (or fractions of beats) using the Time knob, switch, and CV jack
- Sample-accurate clock output for perfect synchronization
- Loop clock outputs for each channel
- Time switches change range of Time knob from 1/8th notes up to 32 bars
- Digital feedback, up to 110%
- Delay Level control, independent of dry/wet signal mix
- Infinite Hold mode disables recording input and fixes regeneration at exactly 100%
- Reverse mode plays memory contents backwards
- With an infinite loop locked, Time knob allows for “windowing” around memory
- Triggered toggle inputs for Infinite Hold and Reverse
- Send and Return on each channel for feedback with external modules
- CV jacks to control Time, Level, and Feedback
- As new features are developed, firmware can be updated by playing an audio file into the DLD
- 20HP Eurorack module
Arturia Keystep for your sequencing needs
Arturia Keystep controller sequencer
You need a portable USB MIDI controller, but also want a keyboard that provides a musical playing experience. You have some MIDI modules you want to connect as well, but don’t want the footprint of a large keyboard. You have a modular synth system and analogue gear you want to control via CV (Control Voltage). You want a step sequencer with polyphonic capability that you can sync to your favourite modern and vintage gear. If only a single product could do all of this. Dream on? Not necessarily. Now, thanks to Arturia, that dream has become reality… ready yourself and your music, for the KeyStep Controller & Sequencer does all of this and more!
AKAI PRO MPC Ren Studio Fly interview with Dan Gill
So we continued to grill Dan G. at winter namm 2013 a bit. I will have a full write up on my thoughts soon.