Tag Archives: sequencer

Pyramid Polyrythmic sequencer available for preorder now
PARIS, FRANCE: avant-garde musical hardware researcher and developer Squarp Instruments is proud to announce that it is already accepting preorders on its inaugural Pyramid Polyrhythmic Sequencer breakthrough — an advanced hardware standalone sequencer running proprietary PyraOs realtime processing firmware and boasting (multiple) MIDI, USB, CV/Gate, and (Sync48- and Sync24-configurable) DIN Sync connectivity, together with a host of fanciful features belying its compact and bijou form factor — as of May 21…
Most notably, and arguably an absolute rarity in this day and age, Pyramid Polyrhythmic Sequencer is fully polyrhythmic, meaning different and unusual time signatures can be set for each of its 64 tracks to cleverly create shifted-beat sequences — set a track to 4/4 and add other tracks to simultaneously run with it in 5/4, 6/8, 15/8, or whatever — to bring stirring new musical flavours to productions. Pyramid Polyrhythmic Sequencer… it is incontestably an appropriate appellation, after all! Apart from that, though, what makes this standalone sequencer so special and also why resolutely return to hardware in this day and age of commonplace software-based sequencing solutions, courtesy of all-singing, all-dancing DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations)?
Well, to truly get a feel for the flexible future of state-of-the-art and easy-to-use hardware sequencing in the present, perhaps it pays to look to the past? Which is exactly what the forward-thinking research and development team at Squarp Instruments did. “Our aim was to create a hardware sequencer in ‘sync’ with the new styles of electronic music being written nowadays,” notes company co-founder and R&D engineer Tom Hurlin. “There’s a huge gap in the market for this, which is kind of weird, because most popular music from the early-Eighties to the late-Nineties was produced using sequencing hardware. Hip-hop, for example, originated on the MPC series, which actually revolutionised all kinds of music — Madonna to Bryan Ferry to Whitney Houston. How come these machines were suddenly replaced by the computer?”
UVI BeatHawk iPad Sequencer/sampler Review
The BeatHawk iPad app has been hotly anticipated for some time now. With powerful step sequencing, easy to use sample recording and editing, song arrangement, fx and more. BeatHawk from UVI boasts and intuitive workflow that lends it self greatly to instant hands on creation of beats while on the go or in the studio.
BeatHawk offers full support for CoreMIDI, Inter-App Audio, AudioBus, Audio Copy and WIST allowing you to create with your favorite tools in whatever way you like. Play your tracks with an external MIDI keyboard or sequence them over Wi-Fi from your computer. If you want to wrap up a track in your favorite DAW just export the stems or MIDI files, it couldn’t be simpler.
Animodule GATE_MOD Eurorack Modular trigger delay
Let’s face it, couldn’t we ALL use a little more length?
This Tiny (yet powerful) Module allows you to manipulate your gate length and delay your event triggers with ease and minimal impact on your HP.
Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs)
and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out. Continue reading
Arturia Microbrute SE Unboxing and Overview/ Review video
- Main Features
Monophonic synthesizer
100% Analog Audio Signal Path
Steiner-Parker 2 pole Multimode Filter (Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass)
Analog Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Oscillator Mixer (Overtone, Sawtooth, Square, Triangle, audio in (on rear panel))
‘Overtone’ sub oscillator/5th generator
Signal Enhancers :
Pulse Width Modulation
Ultrasaw generating fat sawtooth waveforms
Metalizer bringing extreme harmonics
Brute Factor™ delivering saturation and rich harmonics
LFO with 3 waveforms (Sine, Sawtooth, Square)
LFO clock syncable to Arpeggiator (Arpeg, or free).
ADSR Envelope Generator
Keyboard Tracking on the VCF Cutoff
25 note minikey keyboard
Mod Wheel (assignable to Cutoff, or LFO amount)
Pitch Wheel (with selectable bend range via software)
Octave selector from -2 to +2 octaves
External Analog Audio Input
CV In jacks: Pitch, Filter, sub-harmonics, pulse width, metalizer, saw animator
CV Out jacks: pitch, envelope, LFO
MIDI Inwith 5 pin DIN connector
1/4” Audio Output and 1/8” Headphone Output
Full Function step sequencer :
8 memories
up to 64 steps per memory
tap tempo
rate control
step divisions (via software)
trigger modes (via software)
Steel bottom panel
12V DC 1A power supply

Animodule V9a Eurorack CV controlled sequencer and waveshapper
It’s a wonderful bit of kit that takes your waveforms and turns them into sequencing steps and rhythmic patterns!
Here’s a powerful animal to add to your sequencing arsenal.
Send your CV to the CV In. As the Voltage increases the sequence steps forward. As the voltage decreases the sequence steps back.
Scale and adjust your input voltage to taste with the Onboard Attenuator and Offset.
Control the Output CV with an individual Potentiometer for each step.
When a step changes, a 10MS trigger is sent to it’s corresponding switch. If the latching switch is depressed it allows the trigger to pass to the Trigger Out.
There is a switch per step for slew (portamento/slide).
and a Potentiometer to control the Slew Amount.
There is also an input to allow gated control of when the slew turns on and off which will work in conjunction with the switches.
This module is looking for 0V to +5V. The Offset is 0V to +5V.
To allow for chaining of the V9a and rests, 0V will put you under the sequencer range and +5V will put you over the sequencer range.
When the sequence drops below step 1 or over step 9, 0V will be sent to the CV Out and No Trigger will be sent to the Trig Out.
When step 1 or 9 is activated a trigger will be sent to the Trig buss.
Max Current Draw:
+12V = 40mA
-12V = 11mA
Width: 14HP Depth: 39mm
Visit the Animodule Store HERE!
Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack Sequencer Build and Demo!
Synthrotek Sequence 8 Eurorack modular sequencer!
This is a wonderful 8 step analog sequencer complete with 3 different CV pitch outputs, 8 gate outputs, clock in , clock out, random, random rate, momentary stepping and holding.
Just a very very usable sequencer in a nice compact form that is super powerful. they can even be configured to run off of 9v battery power!
for more info head to Synthrotek.com