How to Synth DIY part 4 ANYONE can Build the 555 LFO!

Yes thats right! Anyone can build the 555 timer LFO… and to prove it, I let my 8 year old daughter do it! This was Elly’s first time soldering and she enjoyed it immensely (even with a minor mishap!) If she can jump on the Synth DIY horse, SO CAN YOU!


The 555 Timer Oscillator from Synthrotek will be a modulation source for our upcoming Delay Dev kit circuit. (and other circuits as we will keep this modular!)

the Idea is to use this to modulate the rate of the delay board.

Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 9.27.39 AM  ellyMS20


For this project, we won’t be hooking up power just yet as I plan on daisy chaining the power off of another circuit first.

we also will not solder on the attenuator just yet as we will be using wire so that we can place the board more efficiently inside of the case. You can buy the 555 Timer LFO HERE—> Synthrotek Store  it’s only $15.

This series is supported by Synthrotek logo

and from sales of My Sound libraries at Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 10.03.36 AM


HOW to Synth DIY Series Part 2 (Kit list and soldering info)

How to synth DIY part 2

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Now that we have established some basics it is time to take a look at what we are actually going to be doing in this series. I want to start off by giving a list of the Synthrotek Kits we will need in order to complete this series. You can purchase these kits as we go along or all of them upfront (getting them upfront is not a bad idea as we will likely have some live Q&A sessions and it will be nice for you to have the kits ready).

Here are the planned kits that will be involved.

1) Passive Ring Mod Kit (think Dalek voice)

2) 4093 Chaoss Nand kit (drone oscillator)

3) 555 Timer kit (this will be used as an LFO to control delay etc)

4) Dirt Filter 9v kit (distortion and filtering)

5) PT2399 Dev Board kit  (this is a digital delay that emulates analog delay chips)

6 Vac Pack (adds CV control to any variable resistance controlled circuit)

7) Plastic Enclosure  (this will be what we place all our items into) you are not limited to use just this case, feel free to use more than one case or a larger case if you like.

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2 new DIY eurorack modules the Tabula Rasa wavetable VCO and the Music thing Spring reverb

Here are two DIY or build them yourself modules for Eurorack. first up is the Tabula Rasa an Arduino based wavetable oscillator that lets you create new waveforms, dump them to SD card and use them in your Eurorack modular. Then we have the Spring reverb from Music Thing which is a voltage controlled spring reverb hooked to a real spring tai. it also has the option of being built with a digital brick reverb tank as well.