MUTEK 2016 Mutant BD9 Eurorack Modular Bass Drum

expected out mid summer 2016 with a retail of $249 USD.

Loosely Based on the TR-909 with some hefty modifications such as added sub VCO and CV inputs, this looks to be another winner from

MST MIDI to CV converter eurorack module


MST MIDI to CV Converter

The MST MIDI to CV Converter is a translator between digital devices and analog synths, allowing you to connect your modular system to a keyboard, computer, phone or tablet. Continue reading

Using Instrument Level gear with your Modular (LineAmp from Animodule)

The Animodule Line_Amp has been out for just a little while and its a very small (2hp) module but I am continually finding nice little tricks with this module.

The Line amp is essentially a dual buffered multiple BUT it has a switch on it that when turned on will boost any signal times 3. This is useful for taking line level signals and sending them up to the Modular world audio signal level range.

Additionally what I have discovered is that by sending an output from the LineAmp back to its second input you can boost even further and bring instrument level sources such as an electric guitar or rhodes piano up to Modular levels.

Check the Video out for more info on this great eurorack modular synthesizer module 🙂

Buy one here—


Synthrotek VCA triple response Dual VCA

The Synthrotek Triple Response Dual VCA uses high quality op amps to give you the sound quality you are looking for in affordable kits and completed units. This VCA has three different response curves per channel: 2 Exponential and 1 Linear. The amplitude of EX2 (switch at right position) can be slightly attenuated via 1 trimmer pot per channel on the PCB. This allows for 3 different curves per channel. EX2 has a slightly more exponential curve than EX1. This VCA operates at 0-5V; a 5V CV input will give you 5V point to point audio output. Use over 5V if you want a super ballsy, loud VCA!
Intended for AC and audio use only (DC coupling will not function properly).
Features include:

– ~5V peak to peak output with a +5 DC CV input

– 2 exponential and 1 linear response per channel

– Channel 2 is normalled to channel 1

– Compact 4HP sized module

– Kits, complete and PCB/panel combos

– High Quality Op Amps

– Module depth: 1 7/8 inches (4.7 cm)

– Max current draw: 1mA on -12V rail, 9mA on +12V rail


Buy it HERE 

Here is the live build event where I build the resistor section of the VCA and hold a Q&A during it. It is a quite long video as it was held off the cuff, very laid back.