Category Archives: Synths

Neutron sound Orgone Accumulator v2 RETAIL VERSION!
The Orgone Accumulator v2 is almost here!
Yes thats right … there is a NEW Orgone Accumulator (referred to as OA from here on) on the block and its a big deal! So you might be scratching your head wondering what the OA actually is. The OA is at its fundamental, a wavetable VCO… a complex one at that. At the top side of the module you will see there are 3 wave controls and a modulator control. The three wave controls correspond to 3 wavetables which can each be morphed and twisted in its own way. Independent control of each waveforms effect is available with push buttons below the wave controls.. at this point before we dive to deep let me just put it this way, The OA is a complex triple wavetable VCO, the fourth knob is an independent wavetable dedicated as a modulator. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE! thats right, on top of being a fantastic complex VCO, the OA also is Continue reading
Using Instrument Level gear with your Modular (LineAmp from Animodule)
The Animodule Line_Amp has been out for just a little while and its a very small (2hp) module but I am continually finding nice little tricks with this module.
The Line amp is essentially a dual buffered multiple BUT it has a switch on it that when turned on will boost any signal times 3. This is useful for taking line level signals and sending them up to the Modular world audio signal level range.
Additionally what I have discovered is that by sending an output from the LineAmp back to its second input you can boost even further and bring instrument level sources such as an electric guitar or rhodes piano up to Modular levels.
Check the Video out for more info on this great eurorack modular synthesizer module 🙂
Buy one here— https://www.animodule.com/product/line_amp
HexInverter.net Midi2CV Eurorack Module keeps Maschine in sync
Available as a kit or completed module this sucker is deep with features.check it out at Hexinverter.net
The ACXsynth MIDI2CV Eurorack module is an 8HP, 4 channel CV/Gate interface with a robust feature set you can build yourself!
The original circuit and firmware were designed by the talented Alain Coupel of ACXsynth. His design is used here with permission. Dmitry, a forum member, took it upon himself to update the firmware with a slew of new and exciting features!
- 12bit DACs with high quality Intersil opamps for great CV accuracy
- Monophonic mode offers full control of one voice (mod, pitch wheel, etc.) as well as sequencer control (start/stop, reset, sync)
- Split and duophonic modes accessible through advanced features
- Sync output emits MIDI clock pulses for driving sequencers
- MIDI channel auto-learn at startup means no configuration if only basic functionality is desired
How To Synth DIY project part 6 Chaos NAND , Delay etc
Now that the Circuits have all been Built. we can wire them all together. This is really quite straight forward. Simply wire everything in parallel. This means that the power wiring for each module goes directly back to the source. This allows us to not have voltage drop across each component.
make sure to leave plenty of extra wire so that you can place knobs and connectors where ever you want in your enclosure.
I will return shortly to show how everything is mounted in the case and give it a nice run through!
Analogue Solutions ships space-saving real analogue monosynth module with SEM-style filter
British ‘boutique’ analogue synthesiser and accessory designer/manufacturer Analogue Solutions is proud to announce availability of its all-new Nyborg-12 — an Oberheim SEM-style 2-Pole 12dB/Octave MULTIMODE FILTER-equipped standalone monophonic synthesiser module with real analogue voice and modulation circuitry
Animodule GATE_MOD Eurorack Modular trigger delay
Let’s face it, couldn’t we ALL use a little more length?
This Tiny (yet powerful) Module allows you to manipulate your gate length and delay your event triggers with ease and minimal impact on your HP.
Take an incoming Signal above ~1.1V (OpAmp Comparators on the Inputs make very forgiving Clock Inputs)
and shrink it down to 5MS or lengthen it up to 5 Seconds.
That Gate will appear at the Gate Out. Continue reading
Synthrotek DS-M Drum Synthesizer Module for Eurorack
the Synthrotek DS-M is an awesome new Drum synth Module for Eurorack.
The DS-M is a full featured drum synth that can emulate virtually any drum sound!
The DS-M (Drum Synth Module) is a complex, modifiable, 100% analog drum synth loosely based on the Coron DS-8 and neatly packaged into an 8hp module.