Tag Archives: Modular
Audio Damage Neuron FM drum synth eurorack module
Here is the download link to the free sample pack.Audio Damage Neuron Fluxwihit free pack!
This module is available now from Audio damage. check them out at their site https://www.audiodamage.com/hardware/product.php?pid=ADM12
Neutron sound Orgone Accumulator v2 RETAIL VERSION!
The Orgone Accumulator v2 is almost here!
Yes thats right … there is a NEW Orgone Accumulator (referred to as OA from here on) on the block and its a big deal! So you might be scratching your head wondering what the OA actually is. The OA is at its fundamental, a wavetable VCO… a complex one at that. At the top side of the module you will see there are 3 wave controls and a modulator control. The three wave controls correspond to 3 wavetables which can each be morphed and twisted in its own way. Independent control of each waveforms effect is available with push buttons below the wave controls.. at this point before we dive to deep let me just put it this way, The OA is a complex triple wavetable VCO, the fourth knob is an independent wavetable dedicated as a modulator. BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE! thats right, on top of being a fantastic complex VCO, the OA also is Continue reading
Using Instrument Level gear with your Modular (LineAmp from Animodule)
The Animodule Line_Amp has been out for just a little while and its a very small (2hp) module but I am continually finding nice little tricks with this module.
The Line amp is essentially a dual buffered multiple BUT it has a switch on it that when turned on will boost any signal times 3. This is useful for taking line level signals and sending them up to the Modular world audio signal level range.
Additionally what I have discovered is that by sending an output from the LineAmp back to its second input you can boost even further and bring instrument level sources such as an electric guitar or rhodes piano up to Modular levels.
Check the Video out for more info on this great eurorack modular synthesizer module 🙂
Buy one here— https://www.animodule.com/product/line_amp
The SynthSummitShow episode 3: Audio Damage
This Episode I interview Chris of Audio damage. We discuss the new Neuron FM drum synthesis module, where the company comes from and where it is heading. Hope you enjoy!
The SynthSummitShow is now in action!
Over the past several months I have been hosting a show entitled “The Producers Hangout” while that show is still going strong and we appreciate all of our guests and viewers, I have decided to start and additional show dedicated to synth gear.
This show will be semi weekly with a heavy emphasis on synths and modular. the first two episodes are up now so be sure to click the link at the top of the page to keep abreast of all things SynthSummitShow related!
Roland releases System 100 plug out for System 1 and system 1m
System 100 Plug out release!
Looks like Roland finally released their latest plug out for the System 1, 1m plug out synthesizer hardware.
as with other plug outs this appears to be fully mac and windows compatible the versions for computer are listed as
- VST instruments (VSTi) version: VST 3.6 compatible
Audio Units (AU) version: V2 Audio Units compatible
Hexinverter.net Mutant hot Glue DIY on DRUMS!
In this video I showcase the Hexinverter.net Mutant Hot Glue on the Dave Smith Instruments Tempest drum machine. I show the different flavors of distortion and compression. More to come so stay tuned!